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Meet Paria
Certified Health Coach

My journey to health began 12 years ago. The catalyst to taking back my health was when I found out I was nursing a tumor in my spine where the brain stem and the spine meet. My symptoms began with the onset of headaches and then the symptoms became worse. It came to the point, where I could not use my right arm and I could no longer walk for more than 10 minutes at a time. As I am writing this, I feel like this was all a dream, but back then, unfortunately, it felt like a nightmare.

​At the time I found out about the tumor, I was living in Houston, Texas without any family or friends. It was just me, my husband, and my two precious fur babies. I felt isolated and lonely and most days, I couldn't get out of bed. For this reason, I didn't want to confide in anyone about what was going on with my health. In other words, I didn't want to reach out to anyone because I didn't want anyone to feel sorry for me.


​I began to feel as though, physically and mentally there just wasn't any quality left to my life.


​I was told by doctors that I needed to go back to Canada and have surgery to remove the tumor. When I saw the specialist in Canada he told me I needed surgery right away! He also informed me there may be a chance I would die or even become paralyzed from this procedure.


Moreover, the doctor prescribed me medicines to help strengthen me in preparation for the surgery. The surgery was booked for me a day after my upcoming birthday. During the waiting process, I felt frightened and scared of what may happen if I underwent the surgery. I was young, desperate for answers, and wasn't in the best position physically and emotionally to advocate for my health. The anxiety that ensued from the knowledge of the risks of the procedure gave me a sense of urgency to research what was happening to me. I was in desperate search of answers to take back my health. After being on the medicines and feeling the negative effects this was having on my body, I courageously made the decision not to go forwards with the surgery.

​This decision wasn't easy but I knew I wanted to do so much more with my time on earth. I had a desire to have children someday, and I wanted to live a long fulfilling life.


Needless to say, I found a naturopath, and from that point on, my health began to transform. I became committed 150% to healing and becoming healthy again. I read books, changed my diet, took herbal supplements, even began to change the way I was thinking. Meanwhile, this new healthy way of being was changing my life.


​12 years later, I am happy to say, I feel healthier and happier than I have ever been. I have also been blessed with two beautiful healthy children.


​Above all, my experience taught me that my health is something I will never take for granted and has led me on the path of helping others take care of their health through diet and lifestyle; so they can live their best life.

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