You know that burning feeling that you get when you’re tired or have worked at your computer too long? Well, those symptoms that you’ve experienced are some symptoms that go hand in hand with dry eye syndrome. Dry eye syndrome is a common eye problem, especially for people age 50 or older. But this eye condition doesn’t discriminate and can actually affect anyone, especially now that more and more people do tons of digital work. Because of this, more people are having symptoms which are related to dry eyes. But don’t worry! Read our blog article this week to understand just what dry eye syndrome is and what you can do to help your eyes.
What Is Dry Eye Syndrome?
Dry eye syndrome results because of a lack of lubricating tears. The tears play an important role in eye health and vision. The eyes need tears to function well which in turn also provides us with clear vision.
Did you know that our eyes are constantly producing tears! We don’t just produce tears when we cry.
Don’t Suffer From Dry Eye Syndrome
Dry eye syndrome is not something that should go unchecked. Not only does having dry eyes cause physical discomfort of the eye, but in severe cases, it can also lead to permanent vision damage and loss. For most people who suffer from dry eye syndrome, there are things which can be done to help manage the condition. An appointment with an optometrist will help to identify the root of the dry eye problem, as there can be many causes which will change the recommended treatment.
What Are The Causes of Dry Eye Syndrome?
As mentioned above, there are many different reasons as to why someone might suffer from dry eye syndrome. Some reasons may be that the person isn’t producing enough tears. Another might be that there are components within the tear which are lacking, resulting in the tears evaporating off of the surface of the eyes too quickly. There are a number of reasons why this might occur;
natural ageing of the eyes
taking a certain type of medication
extended computer use
eye surgery
contact lenses
certain diseases
Dry Eye Syndrome Treatments
After an optometrist identifies the root of the dry eye problem, they can now create a plan of action for treatment. Some options for dry eye treatment are;
artificial tears (can be prescription or over the counter)
punctual plugs (plugs inserted into the lower lid of the eyes)
vitamin supplements
If caused by a disease, managing the disease might resolve the dry eye problems
proper contact lens care and wear
reduce and limit time at a computer
Book An Eye Appointment
If you suffer from dry eye symptoms, don’t delay and book an appointment with your optometrist. Alberta Health Care will cover some dry eye related appointments. To book an appointment with one of our optometrists, you can call us at (403)255-2826 or book online here!
This article was written by Trina Vanaalst, licensed optician and registered contact lens practitioner.