It’s getting to be that time of year again, when you may find yourself with some unused optical benefits, or with left over money in a health spending account. Many insurance plans expire at the end of the year. Often, unused benefit dollars will not be carried forward. If you don’t use them, you lose them! This year, If you find yourself with extra money to put towards your eye care or multiple eyeglasses, now is a great time to do it! Many people are not aware that there are many advantages to owning multiple pairs of eyeglasses.
Multiple Eyeglasses Are Functional
Many people have one pair of eyeglasses. But a person may find themselves in a position where an alternative eyewear option would better suit the situation that they are in. Just as a person doesn’t own one pair of shoes or shoes for high arches , a golfer doesn’t use one club, and a mechanic has more then one tool in their box, having multiple pairs of eyeglasses can be very functional.
There Are Many Different Types Of Eyewear
Many eyeglass wearers, function with having only one primary pair of eyeglasses. Often it is because, people are not aware that there are different types of eyeglasses suited to help with different types of tasks. There are many different options for alternative eyewear. Prescription sunglasses are probably one of the most popular alternatives to regular eyewear. Other types of eyeglasses that can help with different tasks are reading glasses, computer glasses, and sports specific glasses. These different types of eyeglasses are all designed based on the need for functionality for the activity in which they are being used.
Multiple Pairs Of Eyeglasses Can Be A Benefit At Work
Having multiple pairs of eyeglasses tailored to what you do for work can also prove to be a huge advantage. Many people work long hours on computers, and can benefit from a separate pair of computer specific glasses. These eyeglasses help with preventing eye fatigue and strain caused by excessive computer use. They are created for the specific viewing distance of a computer screen. Special anti-glare coatings added to the lenses, also help in cutting down glare and harmful blue light. Other specialty glasses that can be an advantage for some people, are safety glasses. Depending on what they are needed for, prescription safety glasses can minimize the chance of getting an eye injury. If required for work, prescription safety glasses may even be paid for by your employer.
Multiple Pairs Of Eyeglasses Can Be A Benefit At Play
Just as a person may have a specific pair of glasses for work, they may also have one for play. For people who have hobbies that require them to see fine detail and do lots of close up work, a pair of eyeglasses that help with magnification can prove to come in handy. Other people who play sports, may find that lenses which are of a different colour may help with performance. This is especially common in golf, where a golf specific lens tint will help improve contrast in the contours of the green. Enhancing contrast also helps provide better visibility for seeing the ball.
Why Dress Your Eyes In The Same Frame Every Day?
Many people, especially the fashion conscious will enjoy having multiple eyeglasses to go with different outfits. The frames that you chose to put on your face is one of the first things other people look at. Often, it provides people with their first impression of you. If you wear a thick chunky colourful plastic frame, it may imply that you are a bold, outgoing person. Where a thin, colour neutral, metal frame, may imply you are more conservative or reserved. By having the option of different pairs of glasses, you are not limited in portraying one type of “look”. This is no different then adding different accessories to an outfit. By wearing different purses, jewelry, ties, and watches, you may feel more glamorous, professional, sporty, or casual. Wearing a different pair of eyeglasses can have the same effect!
Don’t Let A Broken Pair Of Eyewear Leave You In A Bind!
Another reason why having multiple eyeglasses is a good idea, is to always have an emergency backup pair available. Clumsy or not, you may never know when you might lose or break your primary pair of eyeglasses. Unlike ripping a hole in your favourite jeans, being left without a pair of eyeglasses and unable to properly see can be quite a problem! There are many eyeglass prescriptions that can’t be made up in a short amount of time. Many eyeglass lenses and lens designs need time to be manufactured. For this reason, it is really wise to have a second good pair of eyeglasses as a backup pair.
Check into your optical benefits and spending accounts to see if you are covered for multiple eyeglasses. To offset the price of additional pairs, At Glenmore Landing Vision Centre, we offer multiple pair discounts. Visit our page on multiple pair discounts, or call our office at (403)255-2826 to ask for more details.
Article written by: Trina Vanaalst