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How Do Green Foods Contribute To Eye Health?


With it being January, there’s a good chance that your diet may consists of a lot more green foods than normal! January is usually the month in which people try to restart their system on healthy eating habits. An attempt often used to shed the extra pounds put on over the Christmas season so they implement diet and exercise and weight lifting using equipment from this best weight lifting belt review just to do it in a safe way. But, did you know that in addition to being healthy for your whole body, green foods are actually really good for eye health and vision!

“Eat your greens!” Is a common phrase you may have heard from your parents growing up. Well, your parents are smart people! Green foods are not only excellent in helping maintain a healthy body, but they are a good source of nutrition for eyes as well! But what makes green foods pack such a punch in the eye health department? Many green foods contain essential nutrients which is beneficial for preserving vision and for healthy eyes!

Healthy Eating and Green Foods!

As we said above, green leafy foods are a great source of nutrition for eyes! Green foods are full of antioxidants, such as lutein and zeaxanthin! These antioxidants are shown to help lower the chance of developing the sight threatening disease, macular degeneration. Studies have also shown that these specific antioxidants, can also reduce the risk of developing cataracts.

What Is Lutein And Zeaxanthin?

Lutein and zeaxanthin are antioxidants that are good for eye health. But, what exactly does all that mean? Lutein and zeaxanthin help keep eyes healthy by absorbing excess light energy. Especially blue light energy. Lutein and zeaxanthin are found in a large amount within the center of the eye, called the macula. It is for this reason that they help fight against macular degeneration, an eye diseases which targets and causes degeneration of the macula. This degeneration of the eye is specifically harmful as it can cause permanent damage and vision loss to central vision.

What Green Foods Are Best For Eye Nutrition?

Cooked spinach is an excellent source of nutrition for eyes!
Cooked spinach is an excellent source of nutrition for eyes!

Kermit the frog said it best! “It ain’t easy being green!” and getting a good amount of green foods into your diet can also be a challenge. That’s why when you do choose which green foods to consume, it is a good idea to make sure the foods you are choosing have a high nutrition value!

Not all green foods are equal in nutrition value and some are better than others! Here’s a list of some popular green foods and the amount of lutein and zeaxanthin they contain per one cup serving in mg. The list goes from highest to lowest value.

  • Kale – 23.7 mg

  • Spinach – 20.4 mg

  • Swiss Chard – 19.3 mg

  • Turnip Greens – 12.2 mg

  • Green Peas – 4.2 mg

  • Summer Squash – 4.0

  • Brussel Sprouts – 2.4

  • Broccoli – 2.1

Cooked spinach and fresh Kale are one of the best sources of lutein and zeaxanthin!

Along with making sure you eat your greens, another great way to help ensure the health of your eyes is maintained is to have regular eye exams performed by an optometrist. If you live in the Calgary area and are in need of an eye exam, one of our experienced optometrists will gladly see you!

To book your next eye exam, contact our office at (403) 255-2826 or through our online appointment request form!

Article written by: Trina Vanaalst


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