High-quality Hauling Trailers in Saskatchewan and Alberta
Rick Sim Trucking Inc counts on advanced equipment and reliable trailers to ensure the secure transportation of fluids in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Prioritizing safety and reliability, we count a wide fleet of vehicles and experienced dispatchers that can provide you with fluid hauling services whenever you need them. Have a look at our trailers.
406 Spec Trailers
Full spec 406 trailers are capable of carrying fuel and other dangerous fluids. They come in mild steel, aluminum, stainless steel models and they have a capacity of 1,700L to 38,000L.

407 Spec Sour Trailers (Equipped with H2S Scrubber)
​These tanks are equipped with H2S scrubber and are ideal for the transportation of flammable liquids, such as crude oil and fuel.

406 Tandem Trailers
These trailers are also capable of transporting dangerous and flammable fuels like full spec 406 trailers, but they come with multiple axles that provide smooth transportation and extra safety in the process.

Insulated 407 super B'S
Our insulated trailers are designed to carry temperature sensitive liquids, ensuring safe and efficient transportation of a wide range of hazardous materials.

Ideal for heavy loads and long-distance deliveries, these trailers come with a tri-axle configuration that supports heavier weights than two-axle options. This ensures safety and reliability in the transportation process of a variety of fluids, such as crude oil, produced water, clean oil and fresh water.