A "Wonder" poem written by Claire Hansmann, a grade 9 student living in British Columbia, Canada. Claire is a voracious reader, enjoys creative writing and drawing in her free time. This poem inspires the reader to look twice at the beauty of nature and hopefully it will make us think twice about how we are treating our ocean and lakes.
Out Of This World
by Claire Hansmann
Have you ever seen
in your life
more peaceful
than the stillness of a lake,
every morning,
waiting and waiting
for the wind to come play
and the birds to start swimming,
or the Sun's rays
to illuminate its surface
with the dawning light
again and again,
after giving the stars
a chance to transform the lake
into a piece of the galaxy
that fell from the sky years ago,
when, in the midst of a storm, its waters
raging, reshaping it into a drop from the
and have you felt for anything such
wild wonder--
do you believe there is a place, in any
corner of the universe,
that compares to this sight that fills you with
awe akin to what you feel
when standing
on the shore of the lake,
gazing out at the a reflection of both
the sky and the sea
as it stares back at you.
full of curiosity--
or have you too turned your back on the
beauty left behind in this world--
or have you too
started dreaming
for things
out of this world?